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List of companies by rubrics
List of companies by rubrics
Production and mining (32304 companies)
Trade (33078 companies)
Agriculture and fisheries (1186 companies)
Energy (2794 companies)
Pharmaceuticals (3086 companies)
Autobusiness (5247 companies)
Domestic services (3126 companies)
Civil Service (1639 companies)
Legal services (3694 companies)
Printing / Publishers (2163 companies)
Architecture and design (1919 companies)
Catering / Cafes / Restaurants (5883 companies)
IT / Software Development / Implementation (5979 companies)
HR / Recruitment agencies (2956 companies)
Medicine / Beauty / Fitness / Sports (6209 companies)
Advertising / Marketing / PR (4205 companies)
Science and R&D (255 companies)
Education and training (3040 companies)
Safety and security (4162 companies)
Media / Press (1901 companies)
Real estate (2373 companies)
Entertainment and leisure activities (6916 companies)
Telecommunication and communication (1981 companies)
Construction / Repair (20280 companies)
Transportation and logistics (9031 companies)
Tourism / Hotels / Hotels (3203 companies)
Finance / Banking / Audit / Insurance (4957 companies)
Ecology / Recycling / Recyclables (669 companies)
Show business (11 companies)
Non-governmental organizations / NPOs (43 companies)
Other (877 companies)
Passenger transportation (9 companies)