"Solidarity Network": Instructions for the Employer

"Solidarity Network": Instructions for the Employer

Dear owner of factories, newspapers, and steamships, captain of industry, efficient innovative manager, Forbes list contender, as well as the robust proprietor or small entrepreneur!

Today, a group of plainly dressed, unassuming people walked into your office and delivered a note signed "Solidarity Network." The note wasn't on official letterhead and didn't even have a seal! In the note, it is stated that an employee—who you fired three weeks ago and had since forgotten about—has not been (fully) paid their salary.

What the fuck? How to understand what's happening?

1. This is not a setup by competitors or a raid to take over your business. Our demand should be taken literally. The hassle will end precisely when the worker receives the money due to them.

2. We won't take any money from you; no one pays us, in principle. Yes indeed, we are "ideological." We are anarchists — advocates of social equality and public self-management. Self-organization of wage workers to protect their interests, in our view, gives society experience that brings the establishment of our ideal closer.

3. The unpaid salary of the worker who turned to us is the point where the writings of Peter Kropotkin and Mikhail Bakunin intersect with the problems of your business.

4. We do not violate the criminal code, but we have plenty of ways to harm you without vandalism or assault. We will gather information about your business and publicize details that are unflattering to you. Your clients and partners will receive letters and calls with negative information about you. Our website Antijob.net is well-promoted—having about a million visitors a month—and any information about you posted there will be at the top of Google and Yandex search results. There will be pickets, flyer distributions, banners, etc., in front of your offices, enterprises, and establishments. The problems of your business may become a topic of interest to journalists. Perhaps, we will help your employees organize a strike.

5. We don't engage in lawsuits, but we may guide the workers who turn to us on how to act most effectively in the legal sphere.

6. You can "act like a man," "stand your ground," and not give the worker their money. But frayed nerves, the disorganization of your company's work, problems with clients and partners—all this can easily cost much more than the money you withheld from the fired worker.

7. We inherently stand on the side of workers, not employers. But of course, we can't claim in 100% of cases that the worker who turned to us is right, and not you. If this is the case—provide your argumentation, your version of the conflict with the worker, and your financial relations. Ignoring a letter from the "Solidarity Network" annoys us. We are persistent and have long memories. We have enough spirit to harm your business for many months.

With the best proletarian wishes,

"Solidarity Network"


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